Sep 5, 2024 3:30:55 PM

Navigating Tough Talks: 5 Tips for High-Stakes Conversations

Navigating Tough Talks: 5 Tips for High-Stakes Conversations

Difficult conversations are inevitable in the professional world. Whether you're an executive facing a compensation discussion or a manager addressing a performance issue, effective communication is key. 

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Aug 22, 2024 3:15:53 PM

3 Reasons Why Monthly Planning Matters (even if it is a wild ass guess)

3 Reasons Why Monthly Planning Matters (even if it is a wild ass guess)

While annual goals are essential for setting a vision for a company, the reality is that most startup execution is refined month by month. That's why creating a monthly forecast of revenue, expenses, and headcount from day one is crucial, even if it feels like pure guesswork. 

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Aug 15, 2024 4:17:35 PM

3 Reasons to Write Down Your Goals

3 Reasons to Write Down Your Goals

When it comes to achieving your goals, writing them down is a crucial first step. Not only does it bring clarity and focus to your aspirations, but it also helps you prioritize what truly matters in your life. By putting pen to paper, you hold yourself accountable for your progress, creating a tangible record of your journey towards success. 

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Jun 24, 2024 11:51:30 AM

The Power of 3

The Power of Three: A Framework for Clearer Communication

For years, I've honed the art of thinking and speaking in threes. It aligns perfectly with my approach to life: focused, action-oriented, and built on clear communication. Here's why the Rule of Three is a game-changer:

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Jun 10, 2024 1:30:00 PM

3 Things To Understand To Become A Successful Entrepreneur

3 Things To Understand To Become A Successful Entrepreneur

Embark on the journey of entrepreneurship by grasping these essential insights for enduring success. 

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Jun 3, 2024 5:00:00 AM

"Master Your Job Interview: Top 10 Tips for Success"

Master Your Job Interview: Top 10 Tips for Success

Are you gearing up for an important job interview and feeling a bit overwhelmed? Not to worry - I've got you covered with my 10 best interviewing tips that will help you ace that interview with confidence and ease.

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Jun 12, 2023 7:30:00 AM

3 Key Interview Tips for Salespeople

3 Key Interview Tips for Salespeople

We got such a great response to the blog article posted a few weeks ago on sales interviewing, we thought we would share some more helpful advice.

Having interviewed thousands of salespeople over the last few decades these tips can help you land the sales job you are looking for 


Thanks to Ryan Heaphy for spelling these out so succinctly.

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Apr 24, 2023 6:30:00 AM

Annihilating Stress & Burnout in Tech Blog

Annihilating Stress & Burnout in Tech 

By Jason Komosa & Dan Tyre

I am a very big believer in an entrepreneur cultivating three important things in their business life to ensure success

1. A coach to help you ask the right questions, understand an outside view and double down on the specific activities 

2. Three business advisors who will ensure that you can see around corners and double check your critical decisions

3. A good cadence of asking for at least 2 weekends off a quarter to gain clarity and pause for reflexion

My friend and scale up expert Jason Komosa talks about stress below

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Mar 13, 2023 5:30:00 AM

Empowering Marketing and Sales with HubSpot

Empowering Marketing and Sales with HubSpot

Dan Tyre interview with Resa Gooding

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Mar 5, 2023 4:07:00 PM

15 Ways to Prepare for a Job Interview in 2024

15 Ways to Prepare for a Job Interview in 2024

I have been doing a lot of interview coaching this year for friends and colleagues who are moving to their next adventure and here are my top 15 ways to ACE YOUR INTERVIEW. If you want the job, your preparation should start before the first interview and you should put in time and effort to showcase your best attributes. Nearly all hiring managers are looking for candidates that can do the work, show a desire to do the work and will be a good teammate. Your job is to demonstrate that to everyone you meet.  After running this play a dozen times this year, this is my top advice. 

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Jul 13, 2021 11:33:25 AM

Special Offers

Special Offers

As part of the Tyre Mentorship Program community, we love to offer you special deals on the amazing things the people in our community are doing! Browse below to see what kinds of deals you can snag this quarter. 

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Jul 13, 2021 11:33:10 AM

Becoming a Better Investor in 2024

Becoming a Better Investor in 2024

Thinking about expanding your investments and don't know where to start? Look no further! Read below for a layout that describes the steps you need to take to become a better investor in 2023. 

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Jul 13, 2021 11:32:14 AM

Uplifting Stories

Uplifting Stories

Looking for uplifting stories to create a good start to your week? You've come to the right place! Read below for stories from people who are doing the most good for the universe. 

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Apr 6, 2021 12:58:09 PM

11 Steps to Hiring a Good Salesperson in a Tight Job Market

11 Steps to Hiring a Good Salesperson in a Tight Job Market

Hiring a quality inbound sales person in 2021 is hard. 

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Jul 12, 2020 10:58:07 AM

Black Lives Matter To Me

Black Lives Matter to Me

I am super motivated to move from discussion to action to support racial justice and equality in the United States and throughout the world and use all of my resources to end systemic racism in my lifetime. 

I am committed to the following actions and accept personal responsibility to make a difference locally, nationally and globally.

1.  I will vote in all local, state and federal elections.

2.  I will continue to support People of Color through the Tyre Mentorship Program, which currently provides mentors to anyone over age 18 (over age 14 with parental permission) that would like a strong source of support in their life.

3.  I will only speak at programs and events that feature women & People of Color on the agenda (live or virtual) and will offer to mentor, guide and coach anyone who would like to co-present with anyone who is interested in gaining speaking experience.

4.  I support the OJPC project for prison reform.

5.  I will support Strategies for Youth to better support police understanding of underserved communities.

6.  I will continue to  financially support New Pathways for Youth Arizona mentorship program to improve the lives of Black children in Arizona.

7.  I will support entrepreneurial incubator for socially responsible start-ups with an emphasis on women and black entrepreneurs with my time and investment.

8. I will support black entrepreneurs with capital and advice to scale (like my friend John B Johnson in Seattle)

9. I will be active in the HubSpot People of Color at HubSpot Program

10. I will support black women entrepreneurs globally at

I will update my progress every year to ensure that I follow through with my commitments. 

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Apr 19, 2020 4:07:22 PM

How to Find a Job in 2024

How to Find a Job in 2024

I get asked 20X a week for employment help from people who are looking for a new job. Some are experienced job seekers, some are career changers, some are right out of high school or university, but they all have one thing in common. They are looking for my advice for how to find a paying job to further their career.

After helping hundreds of people over the years, I decided to publish an updated version of the 20 Steps to Find a Job in the 21st century. *One note, these guidelines may be slightly different in the new normal of 2021. I think the underlying concepts are sound and still work, but there are usually different ways to solve every problem. 

This is also applicable if you are looking for a job at, the company that I have worked for since 2007. HubSpot is a great company because it hires great people, has a defined culture and is doing meaningful work to help people, managers, leaders and companies #growbetter and then scale better.  It is very hard to get a job or internship at HubSpot (statistically harder than admission to MIT or Harvard), but it is possible and follows these general rules and guidelines.

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Apr 19, 2020 3:11:57 PM

Building A Successful Start Up in 2024

Scaling a business is hard. Over the years, I have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs all over the world grow their businesses. It has always been super fun, exciting & fascinating for me to see the innovative ideas that smart, motivated people work on to create employment and do good work. 

Over that time, I have learned that every entrepreneur is a little bit different in their mission, vision and execution. There are certainly some common success attributes (hard work, good leadership skills, focusing on priorities), but the goal of a good start-up advisor is to help the entrepreneur achieve the goals they set out to achieve when they started the company. 

To that end, we have been circulating this document since 2015. We call it 'How to Create a Successful Start Up in 2021' and it is designed for advisors to discover enough essential information to see if and how we can help companies scale.

If you want our help to scale your business, we will need you to answer these questions.

If you fill them out and email them to me at I will review and schedule time to review and see how we might be able to help.

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Oct 3, 2019 11:00:35 PM

What are Dan Tyre Office Hours?

What are Dan Tyre Office Hours?

Q: What are Dan Tyre Office Hours?

A: Office Hours is an opportunity for people to connect with me for 25 or 50 minutes at a local restaurant or co-working space to talk through your personal or business challenges, "potholes", & priorities to get a new perspective, evaluate options and hopefully solve problems.

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